You Are The Magic of Love, You came into My Life, and Teach Me of How Sweet Life It Is....

Thursday 22 September 2011

Dream of the Dream Part I

You guys must be confused of the title of this new post. Well, chill out! let's me start the explanations. This post is kinda like a mini series stories. It is about my dream since I was a young kid. The 1st of this story, I would love to tell you about my dream jobs... ( too many, right?) Hey, nobody can stick with a single job. So, let's get started...

1. Fashion Photographer

Who would say NO to this kind of job. It is one of my favorite dream job. Just imagine, you did a photoshoots for very high-class fashion mags and get to be renown whole world. You just snap a shoot by your finger, and a bucket of money will surely get on hand. Well, money is the second thing, but the passion of creating memories in the form of art. Like a wise saying said," A picture Hold A Thousand Words.."

 2. A Musician / Singer
Some say, music can heal your aching heart, fill your lonely days, wipes your teary eyes and make you pull a sweetest smile. Some say, Music is an important Element in life! Yes, I am agree with it... That's why I love music and songs. Being a musician/singer, of course, you can get to entertain people around but for me, once you hold a guitar and start doing some rhythms and songs, you're seems like having such an unexplainable feelings because music is the expression of what lies inside of your heart. 
The Handsome guy in the picture is one of my favorite Country singer... Keith Urban.. ^^

 3.  A Medical Technologist
A pair of gifted hands with an exceptional knowledge of medicine and technology, creating a cure for a disease, giving hope to the helpless one. That's what a Medical Technologist do. Examining a lot of tiny unseen dangerous creature under a microscope, studying their 'behaviour' and fight against them is their responsibilities. They also known as, "The Engine of Modern Hospital".. just like a car, without an engine, it can't be move.. right? ^_^

 4. Fashion Designer
 Fashion..... Styles and Trends are my passion. Being a fashion designer, You will be able to express your feelings and creativities by creating some fashionable outfits. Fashion designer is the saviour for people who have a low self esteem and do not feel confident with what they are wearing. 

  5. A Chef

Not all people can cook. For me, good in cooking is the a X-factor for them. I am a type of person who loves to experience new things, including foods. Creating your own recipes and people love them, is what a chef want to achieve.Some peoples say, " A Guy who can coom is Sexy.." . So, should I reconsider myself to be a chef? ^__^

This is the stories for today, telling you guys about my dream jobs. So, let's end it here. Have fun! ^^

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